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Weaving Workshop 2000 Baskets


Julie Kleinrath: Bowl of Cherries

Bowl of Cherries
Basket Dimensions: 10.5" long x 9" wide x 6" tall
Basket Description: Oval basket with a wood base and handles. Learn to weave on a wood base with a chase weave technique. Shaping is really important. Also learn how to chain wale.
Bowl of Cherries Instructor: Julie Kleinrath
Kettering, OH
Class Length: 4 hours (AM)
Weaving Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Class Cost: $40
Kit Cost: $30


Julie Kleinrath: Desk Organizer

Desk Organizer
Basket Dimensions: 7.5" diameter
Basket Description: Round, four-compartment basket with wood bottom and wood dividers. This basket is woven on a wood base using a chase weave technique at the base, with a twill design woven in space dyed reed.
Desk Organizer Instructor: Julie Kleinrath
Kettering, OH
Class Length: 2 hours (PM)
Weaving Level: Beginner
Class Cost: $35
Kit Cost: $25