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Fall 2005 Workshop Classes


Jennie Baas & Sue Tucker: Emma's Beaded Basket

Jennie Baas & Sue Tucker's Emma's Beaded Basket
Description: Emma's Beaded Basket is a Cat's Head basket with an open weave base. The sides of the basket are woven in a continuous over/under with a step over. The basket has a classical urn shape. The basket is rimmed with flat oval and lashed with waxed linen and beads. A Gretchen Roll is woven to the outside of the basket with round reed, spiraling from the top to the bottom. The Gretchen Roll is then embellished with more glass beads. May not be completed in class time.
Instructor: Jennie Baas & Sue Tucker
Class Length: Saturday
Weaving Level: Intermediate
Class Fee: $45