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Camp Tuck-A-Basket '02 Workshops


Eileen LaPorte: Spiral Rope Beaded Bracelet

Eileen LaPorte's Spiral Rope Beaded Bracelet
Description: Learn this fun and easy stitch to make a bracelet. Or you can get carried away and make it into a necklace. You will make one in class, but there will be enough material to make another one. Betcha can't make just one!
Dimensions: n/a
Instructor: Eileen LaPorte
Class Day: Friday night
Class Length: 2 hours
Weaving Level: All levels
Materials Fee: $25


Eileen LaPorte: Braided and Twill Tote

Eileen LaPorte's Braided and Twill Tote
Description: The spokes of this basket are ti-twined with cane in a chevron pattern for a solid filled base. The sides are done in Japanese weave at the bottom and again at the top with decorative braid weave in the center. The rims are lashed with wax linen. Handle is notched ash.
Dimensions: 10" long x 7-1/2" wide x 10" tall (not including handle)
Instructor: Eileen LaPorte
Class Day: Saturday
Class Length: 7 hours
Weaving Level: Intermediate
Materials Fee: $42


Eileen LaPorte: Ti-Twined Bowl

Eileen LaPorte's Ti-Twined Bowl
Description: Start with a wood base. This basket is done over a mold which students keep. The sides are ti-twined with your choice of wax linen and reed. Changing the weave will create a very interesting pattern. You may choose to create your own design or follow the pattern.
Dimensions: 12" diameter x 5" high
Instructor: Eileen LaPorte
Class Day: Sunday
Class Length: 6 hours
Weaving Level: Intermediate
Materials Fee: $45